To “Dharna” or not to “Dharna”, That is the Question

PTI Banner

Image Source:

Disclaimer: I am not a politico at all. When I started this Blog I made a resolution of not writing on two issues, religion and politics. The reasons are simple and understandable. Both religion and politics are issues that result in controversies of the most despicable type and form. And I am not a person who loves controversies in any form. And so I focused on the things that make me happy, or are apart of my life, like books, guns, food etc. But at the same time I am a patriot. And so I supported PTI and voted for it. That, it did not win a big majority does not bother me, for I played my part, and I am happy about it. I sternly believe Imran Khan is a very honest and respectable man. His intentions are clear, he is a patriot and he is a very upright man.

These are my random thoughts, you have the right to agree or disagree!

Continue reading To “Dharna” or not to “Dharna”, That is the Question

Book Review: Khushwant Singh: The Legend Lives On…


“The Patiala Peg of Publishing is No More” ~ Shobhaa De

That might be so, but his writing are here to stay! This is perhaps the only book (as of now) containing one of the best and choicest of obits on Khushwant Singh. Khushwant Singh: The Legend Lives On has been edited by his son Rahul Singh. I so badly wanted to read it in one go, but the vagaries of time prevented that. So it was two or three obits, in between tea, telephone calls, lunch breaks, wife’s lectures, kids remonstrations, the boss’s calling and what not. But what a treat it was reading this book. The WOW factor is a straight 10/10.

Continue reading Book Review: Khushwant Singh: The Legend Lives On…

Happy Independence Day! Pakistan Zindabad


Pakistan Flag (2)

I bought two of these hats at a red light stop. The guy was selling them for Rs. 120 apiece, I was getting late, the signal was abut to go green. I paid him Rs. 200 for two. Got home and gave them to the kids, they just loved it. Snuggler made, Biryani and my daughter made a beautiful looking and exquisite tasting sweet dish with the National Flag made on top of it. What a beautiful way to celebrate the Independence Day. Loved it! Happy Independence day to you all!

Pakistan Flag (1)

Sweet, sweet dish!

Pakistan Flag (3)

Street Crimes in Karachi–II (The illegal, weapons trade)

This is the second part of Street Crimes in Karachi which deals with the subject of free availability of weapons in Karachi. In the last part I wrote about the various types of Street Crimes. One has to understand that muggers, target killers, kidnappers and looters use different types of weapons, because of a number of reasons.

Continue reading Street Crimes in Karachi–II (The illegal, weapons trade)

Street Crimes in Karachi – I

Street Crime

Image Source:

In the last two weeks, two men I knew, have lost their lives at hands of merciless muggers, in the “City of Lights” aka Karachi, . Both men were married, had kids and were in their late thirties, and sadly both got shot at close range after midnight, but at different places and different times and dates. It has saddened me to know that one of them was returning from a marriage ceremony and the other from shopping in Ramzan. The reason for this rather long premise is that I want to write about street crime in Karachi; in detail. I guess we are already very late in controlling this menace, and if some very urgent and stringent steps are not taken I fear a very serious consequences for everyone living in this city.

Continue reading Street Crimes in Karachi – I