Book Review: Undeclared Water War on Pakistan

water war on Pakistan

I saw a small review of the book titled, “Undeclared Water War on Pakistan: Tactical and Strategic Defense Mesaures” in a local paper, just a week ago. Something told me this book carries a message, and so the next natural thing was to google it. That done, an order was deftly placed at, who delivered it in 48 hours. And naturally it was finished in two sittings, filling me up with loads of info about the water situation threatening to plague planet Earth and off course Pakistan. Authored by Professor Dr Iqbal Ali, who happens to be an expert on the subject, the book adopts a no nonsense approach on the subject using lucid language, yet driving the point across to the reader.

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The Jingle in the Wingle

Zong LTE

  If ever “they” decide to hold a competition for the slowest Internet device on Earth, I can swear upon my favorite pair of underwear its going to be none other than the PTCL Wingle! This thing promises to give you GBs of Data at a speed much higher than that of light. It promises to show you Smart TV on your mobile, Tab or PC. It promises to be flawless, in operation, low on budget, reliable, dependable and expressions of the type. Alas! the thing falls short on all accounts. I have had the very unfortunate experience of using it for some time and I am dismayed by its performance. To this day I have been thinking quietly and loudly, sleeping and awake, driving and walking, even while jogging and in the gym; why did they make this thing in the first place? And that what could one use it for after it is discontinued, or even replaced by a faster device, something like the Zong Wingle, for instance, that amazes me by its speed (over speeding) in downloads of up to 37 MBPs and uploads of up to 13 Mbps! Phew!!!

Continue reading The Jingle in the Wingle

Road Poetry – V


I have discordant beliefs about things in life, mostly, that is. These beliefs are partly based on experience and partly on my assumptions which more then enough times have proved to be wrong. I am but headstrong, egoistic and self willed as much as a man can be. For this I blame none but myself, for there aren’t many influences in my life which have so far been quite inordinate. There be times in life one cannot but express him/herself, that normally happens at the beginning of the day, for instance, when experiencing the sleep-breaker at night staring at the loo, or at times when the unsaid is being done! However, the point of my ramble today is this little bumper sticker of sorts which I happened to stare at in the middle of road thanks to the naka placed by the brave Fauji Jawan. It is something I had been pondering over unintentionally in my subconscious for a very long time, owing to my haggard relationship with “people” around me. That, the Urdu couplet cannot be fathomed by a language as insignificant as English or American, if you will, but still I will make an earnest effort to get my point across.

    It says,

                      ” For since we went gentle;

                         the world has largely gone crooked!”